Pattern Parrot

Rose Garden

This beautiful pattern is sure to make your heart bloom.

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Rose Pattern

The Rose Garden pattern features a stunning bouquet of roses on a black background, with muted colors that create a sophisticated and timeless look. The white and orange roses are highly detailed and contrast beautifully with the dark black and dark beige background. The character illustrations are also highly detailed, with dark orange and sky-blue hues that add depth and interest. The foliage is also highly detailed, with intricate illustrations that draw the eye. The flower pattern features many roses on a dark background, in the style of light orange and light black, dark white and azure, with realistic detailing that adds depth and texture to the design. The southern gothic-inspired contrasting backgrounds create a dramatic and eye-catching effect that is sure to make a statement in any room. This is a highly-detailed and beautiful pattern that is perfect for anyone looking to add a touch of elegance to their home decor.

The Rose Garden pattern would make for a perfect wallpaper, or perhaps a lovely addition to a quilt! You could even use it to decorate a journal or planner to make your daily tasks a little more pleasant.

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