Pattern Parrot

Blooming Watercolor Roses

Get ready to be swept off your feet by these blooming watercolor roses!

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Rose Pattern

With a white background, this pattern features a vibrant spectrum of colors with floral explosions. The watercolor roses and leaves are presented in the style of restrained impressionism, with light red and indigo shades. The bold and blunt brushstrokes give the pattern a neo-romanticism feel. The high resolution of this pattern allows for large canvas sizes, so you can appreciate every detail of the design. You can almost feel the petals and leaves come to life in this pattern. If you're a fan of artists such as Jessie Arms Botke, Sarah Purser, or Dimitra Milan, you'll definitely want to add this pattern to your collection!

This pattern would be perfect for a summer dress, a statement wallpaper in a powder room, or even as a cover for a journal. The possibilities are endless!

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