Pattern Parrot

Black and White Roses

A floral pattern that will leave you spellbounded!

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Rose Pattern

This pattern is a monochrome seamless design of white roses on a black background. The roses are drawn in a hyperrealistic style, showcasing intricate details in the petals and leaves. The pattern can be described as romantic and intimate, almost like a black and white photograph. The flowers are arranged in a way that creates an illusion of depth and texture. This pattern is perfect for those looking to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to their designs. The style of the roses is reminiscent of the Victorian era, and the black and white color scheme gives a vintage feel. This pattern is a great choice for anyone looking for a classic, timeless design.

This pattern is perfect for home decor such as curtains, bedding, and pillowcases. It can also be used on clothing items like skirts, dresses, and blouses. Additionally, it can be used as a background for websites, social media posts, and banners.

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