Pattern Parrot

Golden Harvest

This potato pattern is sure to mash your heart with its golden age aesthetics and seamless design!

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Potato Pattern

Golden Harvest is a seamless potato pattern with watercolor elements of leaves and foliage that gives it a natural feel. The hand-drawn design is reminiscent of stage backdrops, with vibrant colors and a white background that make it pop. The pattern is inspired by the golden age of Hollywood, with realistic details that render the potatoes lifelike. The Ferrania P30 film used to create the pattern adds a touch of nostalgia to the design. The pattern is created in the style of Patrick Brown, Benjamin Sack, Gerard Sekoto, and Sergio Larrain. Its realistic hyper-details and soft brushstroke realism make the potatoes almost leap out from the page!

Golden Harvest is a versatile pattern that can be used to decorate anything from kitchen towels to aprons, from curtains to tablecloths. You can also use it as a background for your social media posts to add a touch of warmth and personality. Why not create a cozy potato-themed room with Golden Harvest wallpaper?

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