Pattern Parrot

White Maple Leaves

This pattern is so leaf-tastic, it's bound to turn over a new leaf in your life!

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Maple Leaf Pattern

This seamless pattern features white maple leaves on a white background. The illustration style is ethereal and minimalistic, inspired by nature. The layered translucency adds depth and delicacy to the pattern. The leaves are scattered in a whimsical composition that highlights transparency, allowing the background to show through. The use of a gold color adds a touch of elegance and a nod to the autumn season. This high-resolution pattern is perfect for creating beautiful and delicate designs. The Maple Leaf pattern has been used by many artists, including Cornelia Parker and Willard Metcalf. The pattern's transparency, minimalistic composition, and nature-inspired imagery create a sense of harmony with the environment. It's a perfect representation of the beauty in simplicity.

Bring a touch of nature to your home decor with curtains, tablecloths, or pillowcases made from this pattern. Create unique and stylish clothing items such as skirts or dresses. Use it to create a beautiful and calming background for your phone or computer.

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